Text: Matt 5:13 ISV
“ *You are the salt of the world. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty again? It’s good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by people.*
Every of Jesus' word to you as His disciple should be followed to the letter. Today, we shall be looking at one of His expectations over us as His disciples.
Jesus says you are the salt of the earth. He likened us to salt, not so we could be added to soup as flavour but obviously for what salt depicts :
1.) *Flavour :* One of the major functions of salt is that it gives flavour. salt enhances the flavor of the food it seasons, the followers of Christ stand out as those who “enhance” the flavor of life in this world.
Christians, living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to Christ, will inevitably influence the world for good, *Where there is strife, we are to be peacemakers; where there is sorrow, we are to be the ministers of Christ, binding up wounds, and where there is hatred, we are to exemplify the love of God* in Christ, returning good for evil.
2.) *Preservatives :* Believers in Christ are preservatives to the world, preserving it from the evil inherent in the society of ungodly men whose unredeemed natures are corrupted by sin. Psalm 14:3.
You can preserve this earth by obeying and teaching men to obey God's words.
Now, if as a Christian you do not serve your function as salt in this world, hear what Jesus said will be the resultant effect-
But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty again? It’s good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by people.
Once a Christian loses his essence (being salt and light) he's no longer good for nothing. *There are many good for nothing Christians in the world today, they merely answer the name Christians, but have lost the essence.*
As a Christian, you are the salt in your community and within your circle of influence, you are to bring flavour and preservation to your world. Don't lose your essence so that the same men you are meant to preserve will not trample you under feet.
Matthew 5:1:16.
1. Father, help me not to lose my saltiness so my world.
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