Text: Isa 64:8.
*But as for you, O LORD, you are our Father; and we are clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hands.*
David waited for thirteen (13)years before he could sit on the throne he had been anointed for. Within this waiting period, he went through a series of processes.
*What you do during your waiting period determines if you will emerge as a winner or not.*
Two exemplary steps David took during his waiting period were.
1. *Service* : In 1 Samuel 16:13, David was anointed by Prophet Samuel to be the next king of Isreal. Immediately after, he was called upon to serve the sitting king.
At this point, we could say David was gainfully employed.
An anointed man with one of the most juicy work in town still deem it fit to attend to menial jobs at home. 1 Samuel 17:12-18.
*If you can't be counted on to carry out negligible assignments, you can't be trusted with big ones.*
*If you are too big to serve, then you are too small to lead.*
2. *Submission :* For 13years, David submitted himself (to the letter) to the sitting king even when he knew he has been anointed to succeed him.
Submission to constituted authority is Submission to God's plan and agenda for your life.
While waiting for the manifestation of God's plan for your life, see to it that you do not jump the process. Service and Submission is a process you can't toy with.
1 Sam. 16:1-23.
1. Lord, I receive the grace to serve with humility and to submit to authority as unto the Lord.
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