*Text:* Proverbs 19:24.
*The lazy person buries his hand in his dish and doesn’t bother to bring it back to his mouth.*
A wise man once said "a problem known is half-solved."
*The most difficult set of people to help are those who are ignorant of the fact that they need the help.* They are the ignoramus.
In order not to fall in this category, you need to examine yourself to know if you are a lazy person or not. Below are some of the characteristics of lazy persons:
1. *They are full of excuses :*
*The lazy person says, There is a lion outside! I will be killed in the street!*
Proverbs 22:13. When you start giving excuses why things cannot be done, just know that you are exhibiting laziness trait.
There's someone out there who has more reasons (excuses) than yours yet prevailed where you have failed.
Excuses are man made fabrics manufactured to cover your lapses for not doing what you have power to achieve.
Have you ever wondered why full able-bodied couldn't do a feat that a physically challenged person could do?
Get rid of excuses and get right up to excel where others have failed. *Use your stumbling block as a stepping stone.*
2. *They are full of fantasies :*
*What the lazy person craves will kill him, because his hands refuse to work.* Proverbs 21:25.
Fantasy is that which comes from one's imagination. For a lazy person, this imagination will never come to realisation, rather it will lead to depression and if not watched it will lead to death.
3. *They are wasters of resources:*
He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Proverbs 18:9.
A lazy person will invariably waste resources, time, and even life itself.
Laziness is not a fruit of the Spirit, as a matter of fact it is a vice, a big vice that can lead one to hell fire.
Never be lazy in showing such devotion (towards your brethren). Be on fire with the Spirit. Serve the Lord. Romans 12:11 ISV.
Matthew 25:14-30.
1. Lord, please forgive me for every act of laziness I have indulged in in the past.
2. I receive the grace to be diligent in all that is committed to my care.
*CHRIST IMAGE ASSEMBLY* +233546618338, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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