Text : Heb 13:4 ISV
*Let marriage be kept honorable in every way, and the marriage bed undefiled. For God will judge those who commit sexual sins, especially those who commit adultery.*
If you are yet to marry, this is the right time to prepare for it, if success in marriage is your desire.
No soldier worths his onions prepares for battle on the battle front, (that will be suicidal), rather, preparations are made long before the battle.
Before we proceed, let me make it clear that *marriage is the only institution that predates the fall of man.* Marriage was instituted by God before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden. Gen. 2:15-25.
Let me also make it clear that marriage is one institution the devil is working tirelessly to destroy. This is because once every man out there gets it right as far as marriage is concerned, then this world will be a heaven on earth and devil will be displaced.
We are where we are today because there are many dysfunctionalities in the home front.
Now, you must note that marriage is not an end in itself. Marriage is like a child that needed to be nurtured to maturity.
Just like a child whose journey begins from the womb, marriage is also a journey that begins from courtship. This is why we started by saying that if you are yet to marry, you are in a vantage position to choose a good ground (partner) where the seed of marriage could be better nurtured.
This is why there's wisdom in the saying that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. *If you know you are in a wrong relationship, receive strength and wisdom to come out of it now.*
If you are married however, I'm pleased to announce to you that we can only have wrong relationship, but not wrong marriage. Once your relationship metamorphosed into marriage, it becomes a seed that must be nurtured to grow and succeed.
The word of God is so clear on this matter. God said in Malachi 2:16 that He hates divorce. *It does not matter who is involved, a true child of God must hate what God hates.*
I've listened to many young people say if marriage did not work, then they will walk out. They already mapped out failure route for themselves in a marriage journey they have not even embarked on yet.
Gradually people are beginning to lower God's standard because they are following worldly standard and system.
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.2 Timothy 2:19.
*There's no marriage so damaged that God cannot fix, if only man will let Him.* It is important to note that man does not have the capacity to truly nurture marriage to fruition without the 'God factor'. He originates marriage institution as it were, and only Him has the manual on how it can run successfully.
*BIBLE READING* : Ephesians 5: 22-33.
1. Lord, give me the wisdom and strength to nurture my marriage to fruition in Jesus name.
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