Text : Mathew 25:24

*Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast no strawed* 

Assumption has cheated many from entering into their destiny. Don't assume anything. Don't conclude matters without  clarifications. Assumptions has put  many good homes asunder. Many friendships have been seperated on the basis of assumption, many have lost great opportunities simply because of assumption.

From our text, the servant that received one (1) talent lost his place in the kingdom simply because he assumed.  He emphatically said, "I knew thee that thou art an hard man....." The question that readily comes to mind is: where did he get this information from? Who gave him this information about the master? No one, it was Mr. Assumption.

He assumed the master was a hard man who likes to reap where he has not sown, and to gather where he has not strawed. 

One may think that the Master will defend and clear himself from his servant's assumption. But that wasn't the case. His master described him as a wicked and lazy man. From this, you will realise that when you assume what the Lord is  not, it is wickedness.

 *Learn to clarify issues that is unclear to you instead of living in assumption.* Don't assume why you are going through what you are going through, simply seek the face of God in order to know why.

David in Psalm 73 was almost missing out on God's stand about the prosperity of the wicked, until he went into the Sanctuary of the Lord. 

 Anyone that  continuously lives in assumption, will be far from the Truth.

 *One of the antidotes to assumption is learning to always seek clarity where needed.* 

Secondly, do not conclude on any matter or judge any matter until you have concrete proofs.

 *The sin of  Assumption is common to all men, only those who continually allow the leadings of the Spirit shall find grace to overcome this monster.* 

 *BIBLE READING*: Psalm 73:1-22

1. Lord, deliver me from assumptive heart that always lead me away from the Truth about you and my fellow human beings.

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