Text : Matthew 22:21

*They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.* 

Today, we shall be looking at the things that are God's which you must give back to Him. You must know that God is not interested in the things of Caesar. The things of Caesar will perish and fade away with this world.

The things of God are those things that transcends this age. They are eternal. Every man on earth has the things of God in him. God has created every man in His image and likeness. Gen. 1:26. One of His things in man is the soul which was once made a living soul through God's breath of life. 
_And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul._ Genesis 2:7.

Man lost God's life when he fell in the garden, the living soul died and man  was alienated from God. The soul which was once living can no longer respond to God. Devil stole, destroyed and killed man to the point that  every imagination of of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually. Gen. 6:5.

Your soul and the things(Mind, Emotion and Will) contained therein belong to God. God therefore would have you render all of your soul to Him. Praise God! You have been quickened by simply believing and  confessing Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. (Rom. 10:9-10), but God still wants to own the whole of your soul content. He wants your Mind to be totally transformed. Rom. 12:2, *He wants your Will to do His Will and your Emotion to express His heart's desire continually.* 

To know that you are yet to give God all the things that are His; check how quick you are willing to respond to His instructions, Check the expressions of your emotions towards God, check your reasoning. Have you submitted ALL to God? Are they in alignment to God? Are they serving God or serving the devil?

Until the whole of your soul become purged by experiencing the quickening that takes place in your spirit at salvation, you will not be able to give to God the things that are His.
  *Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with _all_ thy heart, and with _all_ thy soul, and with _all_ thy mind.* Matthew  22:37.

 *God wants ALL of You so you can get ALL of Him.* 

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:26-31.


1. Lord, I committ and offer my life to you afresh, cause me to rediscover the likeness and image I was created in through Christ Jesus.

CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com


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