Text :Job 13:15
*Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.*
While Faith and Trust could mean the same in certain scenario, there is still a thin line of difference between the two words. *When Faith says, "I believe my God will do it", Trust simply says "come what may, I rest and believe in God's unchanging Nature"*
Trust in God, does not only believe in God's abilities and powers, but it does believe in God's sovereignty and Faithfulness. So, because you trust God, you will always rest in His unchanging faithfulness and love towards you.
An ancient servant of God by the name Job was in a very difficult situation to the point that his wife asked him to curse God and die. (Job 2:9).
Job so much trusted in God that he believed that if he has collected good from God, he must also collect evil from him. Though, this understanding may be short of who God is, yet Job decided to defend God even in the face of unpleasant and unfortunate situation. The scripture says, "He did not sin with his lips" Job 2:10.
All through the time of Job's ordeal, he did not hear anything from God until he was fully "DONE"-
I mean until God has fully fulfilled His will in Job, he did not hear anything from the Lord. He came to a point where he submitted Himself to God unconditionally. Hence, he said, though He slay me, yet will I trust Him *No matter the level of Faith Job could have applied during his trying period, nothing will happen until he completes his test curriculum.*
When you come into or find yourself in difficult situations, the first thing to do is to ensure that your heart does not resent God. You must fight tooth and nail to ensure you are not offended in God in times of difficulties. Mathew 11:6.
Job decided to trust in God's sovereignty, he wouldn't sin against God in his difficult time, rather he decided to maintain his own ways before the Lord.
What are you going through today?
Does it seems like God is silent on you?
May you find grace to Trust the Lord in the face of your challenges, trials and temptations. May the Lord strengthen you not to be offended in Him. Only those who are not offended in Him shall be blessed.
Bible Reading : Daniel 3:16-18.
1. Lord, give me grace and strength not to be offended in you.
2. Father, help me to trust you though I may not understand what you are taking me through and allowing me to go through.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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