Text : Psalms 147:11 

*The LORD takes pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.* 

Yesterday, we saw one important resolution we should make towards the new year. The resolve not to take pleasure in the strength of a horse or in your legs. This should be your resolve as the Lord does not take pleasure in your dependence on your own strength and effort. 

Today, we shall be looking at another resolve you should make towards the new year. *If your resolve is centred on God's pleasure, then God's pleasure will be centred on you as well.*  If you would want God to take pleasure in you in a special way in the year 2022, you must make up your mind to Fear Him and to walk in His FEAR. For God takes pleasure in them that fear Him. To fear the Lord is to *" the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" Matthew 22:37* 

 *Only those who fear the Lord can truly experience a deep love affairs with Him.* It is good to make new year resolutions. But the most important resolution you need to make that will see you through the year and beyond is; resolving to keep His commandments. 
You've got just two commandments:
Firstly, Love the Lord and secondly, love your neighbours. 
If you will do these commandments well, you will hear the Lord's voice as Jesus heard it saying: This is my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased. 

And if the Lord is pleased with you, then He will make even your enemies to be at peace with you.
 *When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7*  

Let your resolve in 2022 be that you will LOVE the Lord and your Neighbours.

Let your resolve for 2022 be that: 
 *I am Christ Image, I keep the commandment of Love* 

 *I am Christ Image, I love my brethren fervently.* 

 *I am Christ Image, I forgive all my offenders.* 


1. LORD, give me the grace to walk in Love in the year 2022.

 *_CHRIST IMAGE ASSEMBLY CAMPUS MOVEMENT_*  +233546618338, +233558355977


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