Text :Proverbs 13:4 

*The soul of a lazy [man] desires, and [has] nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.*

We established yesterday that the reason for which desire kills is because of lazyness.(Proverbs 21:25).  

It is not God's plan that man's desire should kill him, but for lack of diligence, unfulfilled desire can kill. 

To achieve your desires in year 2022, you must:

 *1. Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.*
Your thoughts contain the desires of your heart. So, only good and godly thoughts can be established by the Lord. And only works committed to the Lord, can be established as well.
This verse talks about your total dependence on the Lord.

 *2. Be dilligent:* 
From the dictionary, diligence is described as a combination of carefulness, long-term effort and working hard. 

Our text clearly states that the soul of the dilligent shall be made rich. Hence, you can as well say that the desire of the dilligent shall be fullfiled. 

 *3. Delight yourself in the Lord. Psalm 37:4* To delight oneself in the Lord is to be excited in Him. It is to find your Joy flow from Him despite all odds surrounding you. Recognising the Joy of the Lord as your strength is delighting yourself in the Lord.(Nehemiah 8:10).

For your soul to experience fatness in the year 2022, you must *Trust in the Lord, delight yourself in Him and be dilligent. These would certainly bring your desires to fruition* .

Bible reading: Psalms 37:3-7.


1. Commit your works in 2022 to the Lord.

2. Ask the Lord for grace to consistently delight yourself in the Lord in the year 2022.

CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977


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