Text :Mathew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Each day has its own evil(worries), so when you are anxious about tomorrow's evil, you are drawing the evil of the future into today, thereby giving yourself double load of worries(evil) for a day.
No man is capable of bearing today's evil(worries), needless to talk of adding tomorrow's. This is the reason Jesus is asking you to come and lay your burdens and worries at His feet. (Mathew 11:28). He also taught us to ask the Father to deliver us from evil. I realised this is a very important prayer that must be said on daily basis in a very serious manner.
The enemy daily throws several assaults at you so that you can loose your focus on God. Hence, it is wisdom for you to always ensure that you heartily pray before you step out of your house that the Lord deliver you from evil.
For you to be delivered from the rat race this world system has initiated for many, you must learn another major lesson from the Lord's Prayer: *Give us our daily bread.* No matter how hard some preachers try to twist this verse the truth is that Jesus meant exactly what He said. Only a man who is dependent on the Lord will ever take this prayer serious. It is simply a request of a man who is poor in the spirit. It is a prayer that keeps you in a Mother-child relationship with the Lord. It is like a 5months old baby in the hands of his mother. This child would always wake up to receive supply for the day from his mother-atleast for the time he ramains a baby. The baby does not need a store house to keep 10days meal. The baby simply wakes up daily to look unto the mother for the day's fresh milk.
Though God wants you to grow in understanding, but He wants us to remain a child in dependency and love. 1Cor. 14:20
No matter how much you have in savings or reserves, God would still have you ask for your daily bread from Him. This bread includes all kinds of provisions that transcends the physical and material The bread is both physical and spiritual. So you need both from Him daily. There are some who have provided bread for themselves but they wake up from bed only to realise there is no mouth(life or heath) to eat the bread. The prayer to the heavenly father to supply daily bread ensures that you are also provided with healthy mouth (life)to eat what He provides for each day.
As you live before the Lord in a Mother- child relationship, you will realise that you are being delivered from the bracket of those who take thoughts for tomorrow.
Bible Reading: Mathew 6:24-34.
*Prayer point*
1. Father help me to always lean on you and trust in you for the supply of my daily bread.
CIA Campus Movement PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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