Text: Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
The testimony of Adam and Eve was that they were both naked; and the man and his wife were not ashamed. Gen. 2:25. This simply show that they had no physical clothes on. But that does not mean they were not clothed in some other way. They were actually clothed with God's glory. That was the reason they could see their nakedness(which they did not see earlier) immediately after they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Gen. 3:7. Before they ate from the forbidden tree, they did not see nakedness and there was no shame.
After the fall, all they got was nakedness and shame. This is simply because God's glory had departed. When God's glory is taken off a man, no matter the cost of the attire he is putting on, such a man is prone to nakedness and shame. Such one is naked of God's coverings. Adam and Eve's clothes which was God's glory was taken away the very moment they set their teeth on the forbidden fruit. They blew up the great privilege and opportunity that God gave to man. It is the privilege of wearing the same clothe with God. God's clothing is light. The light is His glory that He wrapped the first man with. "you are wrapped in light like a garment, stretching out the sky like a curtain."Psalm 104:2
When Adam lost his first clothing which is God's light(God's glory), he quickly became a fashion designer. He used fig leaves to sow coverings for himself and his wife. Can you imagine the height that man fell from. May the Lord Himself deal with all the symptoms of nakedness and Shame in your life in the name of Jesus.
The effects of Adam and Eve's nakedness and Shame, is still with man till date. Many believers are also still trapped under this consequence. But Jesus had paid the price?, you may wish to ask. Yes, He has paid it in full. That is the reason you must embrace the Rest he's offering you (Mathew 11:28-29).
The reason we wear certain clothes, is no longer to cover ourselves but to prove a point. That proving of a point, is what shows the presence of shame and nakedness on your inside(in your soul).
Take for instance, if you decide to buy an apparel that is worth thousands of dollars, you will always seek for an opportunity to let people know the worth. Until people know the worth of the material, you will never be at peace. This is because you are seeking for the covering of your true nakedness. Man have been walking about in spiritual nakedness, and that's the reason for materialism. Man gather all manner of things to cover up for his nakedness. Meanwhile the real nakedness on his inside is left unattended to.
May you find help before the Lord for true coverings in Jesus name.
Bible reading: Gen. 2:25, 3:1-11
Prayer Points
1. Father I ask that you open my eyes so as to see areas of my life where I am suffering from nakedness and shame.
2. Lord, I humbly receive your garment of Glory and Light in the place of garment of shame.
3. Lord, help me to put off every garment that is not bringing glory to your name.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com.
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