Text: John 6:12
When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.
Jesus took five loaves of bread, broke it, and fed five thousand men. When the multitude were filled, Jesus instructed that the fragments be gathered that there be no waste.
The fragment is not the whole bread but broken pieces. Fragments are remnants that can easily be discarded. But for Jesus, He would not tolerate any wastage. Jesus rightly said, "that nothing be lost".
Though our God has given us all things in abundance to enjoy, yet He would not want anything to be wasted. A WASTER is a brother to a destroyer. You must see to it that God's resources and provisions in your care are properly and faithfully managed.
One would have wondered why Jesus was so concerned about fragments.
Aside from the fact that Jesus does not permit wastage. The gathering of the fragments also attests to God's miraculous workings. As the disciples carry these 12 baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves home, they will be testifying to Jesus' miraculous workings. Do not waste your fragments, they always reveal God's faithfulness and mighty workings.
Thank God for every little provisions you receive, for there is a Big hand behind the little provisions of today that will also supply Big provisions for tomorrow.
The fragments they gathered are monuments of God's faithfulness. Those that carry them home are meant to keep and eat them as God's token of His faithfulness. The fragments are meant to help them remember and always believe in God's supernatural supply. When they forgot about God's supernatural supply at some point in time, Jesus reminded them in Matthew 16:9 "Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? The essence of carrying the fragments is to understand and remember God's faithfulness always.
Do you always keep remembrance and build monuments of God's FAITHFULNESS? Such attitude will always guarantee a repeat experience
Bible Reading: John 6:1-13.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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