Text. : Mark 13:35.
*_You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return—in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak_ .*
The coming of Jesus is imminent and so we must watch how we conduct ourselves in this present adulterous and perversed generation. Jesus emphatically told His disciples in Mark 13:32 that He himself is not privy to the time this age will be closing.
Hence, he urged His disciples to do 3 things: *Take heed* , *Watch* and *Pray.* This means that Jesus would have all His followers prepared and watch out for His sudden re-appearance. He will first appear to gather His Saints to Himself in the air. This is rapture. 1Thess 4:15-17. Rapture can take place at anytime from now, as It is also part of the signs of end time. Rapture shall precede Jesus' second coming. When Jesus appear the second time, All eyes shall see Him just as they saw Him in flesh when He came to Israel the first time. The whole world will behold the son of God. Mathew 24:30
The first century believers kept Jesus' command to letters. They prepared themselves as bride waiting for her groom. They earnestly watched out for the second coming of Christ in their days. It's over 2000 years now and Jesus hasn't come yet. Some call this slackness on the part of God, but He calls it Long-suffering. 2Peter 3:9.
*The evidence that you are truly watching and waiting for the arrival of Christ is shown by your pursuit and priority.* Don't be deceived, Jesus is only coming back for a glorious church, without spot and wrinkle. Ephesians Eph.5:27.
Don't be carried away by the activities you are involved in for the Lord, rather, see to it that you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.2 Peter 3:18.
Receive with meekness all the convictions and nudges of the Holy Spirit in your heart, and make the necessary adjustments in your walk with God. Get ready always for the Lord's arrival.
*Don't allow the magnetic force of this world hold you downward, receive the Grace of God for daily ascension towards Him in your heart.*
Maranathan Lord!!!
*Bible Reading:* 2 Peter 3:1-18.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, 0558355977,0557904570 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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