Text : John 6:12
*When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.*
*A waster is next to vagabond, learn not to waste God's deposits in your life.*
It is intriguing to know that when Jesus Christ had supernaturally multiplied 5 loaves of bread to feed about.5,000 men; He afterwards demanded that the remnants be gathered so that nothing be wasted.
One would have thought that Jesus needn't or shouldn't bother Himself about the remnants from the supernatural supply of bread at Tiberias. (John 1:1-12).
Before we look at the import of Jesus' statement in verse 12, let us first of all glean four lessons from this story of bread multiplication.
_1. God hates wastage_ : *Though God has given you all things to enjoy in abundance, but He wouldn't tolerate wastage- You will account for every details of His provisions.* You will give account for all of God's provisions in your life. Mathew 25:15-30.
2. _God loves accountability:_ Acts 11:1-30
Five loaves of bread was multiplied, about 5,000 men (excluding women and children) were fed, 12 baskets remained and nothing was lost!
This is account in its simplest form. Jesus wanted.the disciples to learn a lesson on accountability.
*To hate accountability is to to embrace irresponsibility.God will not commit Himself to a man that is not accountable.*
3. _God loves organization._ Acts 6:1-7.
The very first thing Jesus told His disciples to do was to.ask the men to sit down. *Until you sit to learn and trust in Jesus, you will not be able to find REST for your soul.*
This organization is not just limited to arrangement of things or people. It is the ability to settle people down in such a way that they can be accessed by God's blessings. This is the(spiritual) skills required of every Pastor. It is the ability to be able to sit people in a greener pasture of God's undiluted word. _And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand_ . John 6:10
4. _Jesus gave thanks_
The second thing Jesus did was that He gave thanks for the provision of the little bread.
*Thanksgiving comes so easy when you have result, but it comes as Faith when result is yet to appear. Whichever way, it must always be offered to God for it is His Will and Pleasure*
Ephesians 5:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
1. Lord, help me not to be a waster.
2. Help me to always abound in thanksgiving.
*Bible reading: John 6:1-12.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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