Text : Gen. 18:32
*Finally, Abraham said, "Lord, please don't be angry with me if I speak one more time. Suppose only ten are found there?" And the Lord replied, "Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten."*
Do you know the population of people in your city, where you reside presently? I am sure it will run to tens of thousands.
Do you know the number of righteous people in your city today? I'm sure your answer is in the negative. Yes, you may not be sure of the number of the righteous ones living in the same city with you, but are you a righteous person? At least, you should be able to speak for yourself if you can't for others.
Just like your city, Sodom and Gomorrah were cities inhabited by people in Abraham's day. A great outcry from these cities had risen up to God by reason of their so many flagrant sins.
So, God decided to go down and see if their actions were as wicked as He had heard, Gen. 18:21.
On His way, He decided to stop over at Abraham's place (being a friend of God) to download some blessings to him and also to intimate him of His plan on destroying these whoring cities. Gen. 18:1-18.
Long story short, Abraham took it upon himself to intercede on behalf of these cities on the basis that God should not destroy the righteous with the wicked.
Now, Abraham did not ask God to spare the righteous and destroy only the wicked, rather he wanted God to spare the wicked because of the righteous. And God was cool with that. *The truth is, the reason God is sparing our land today is because of the righteous, are you one of them?*
Abraham started his negotiations with just fifty people, he said "Perhaps there are 50 righteous ones within the city. Will you actually destroy it and not forgive the place for the sake of the 50 righteous that are found there?Gen 18:24.
Imagine, just fifty people from a whole city. But the amazing thing is, God was ready to spare the whole city just for the sake of fifty people.
The LORD said, “If I find 50 righteous people within Sodom, I’ll forgive the whole place for their sake.” Gen 18:26.
Can God get fifty righteous people in your church today? Or can he get it in your school, organisation, community or your city? Most importantly, will you be part of the number? *Are you counted among the righteous in your neighborhood?*
Yes, God was ready to spare the whole city for the sake of fifty righteous folks, but He couldn't get fifty. Abraham eventually beat the number down to ten, but Alas! There were no ten people separated unto God in the whole city.
Very sad, the two cities and environs were destroyed for lack of just ten people who will stand on the side of righteousness.
Just for the sake of ten righteous people, a whole city can be preserved. In the time of Noah, the whole earth's population was wiped by water except for eight people (all members of Noah's family). Even at that time, God couldn't get ten righteous people.
Did you know that Sodom and Gomorrah were two different cities? And are you aware that the surrounding cities and villages were destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah? Gen. 19:25 (read other versions apart from KJV). *Just as the wicked can be saved because of the righteous, so also can the righteous share in the punishment of the wicked, if he joins himself with a wrong company* . (Remember Saul and Jonathan) *Be careful who you pitch your tent with, he can make or Mar you.*
Now, don't bother about the remaining nine, just ensure you are counted among the righteous. Do not follow the multitude to do evil, Exodus. 23:2, rather, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 2Co 6:17.
1. Father, deliver our land for the sake of the elects.
2. Lord, give me grace to walk worthy of you that I may be counted among the Saints.
Bible Reading : Gen. 18:1-33.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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