Text : 1Cor. 2:14.
*But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.*
Basically, there are three categories of people in the world, viz :
1. The Natural man.
2. The Carnal Christian and
3. The Spiritual man.
Today, we shall be looking at the Natural man.
Majority of the people on earth are in this category. The unbelievers, the atheists, the Muslims, the Hinduists and just anybody that has not accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour.
The following are some of the features of a natural man :
1. *He cannot receive the things of the Spirit.* A natural man has no fibre to receive the things of the Spirit.
The things of the Spirit is foolishness unto them. The unbelievers cannot understand how a person who died several years ago can have any meaning with the way they are living today.
2. *They have wrong sense of judgement*
The natural man operates entirely on human wisdom, hence, they judge based on the externalities only. Luke 16:15 says what is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God .
Some years back, my Mum had an encounter with a very respectable and famous Professor in our area. When she got back home, she lamented, "how can someone be so learned and yet so dull In spiritual things?" She was amazed and appalled at how someone can be such an educated fool.
Such is the case of a natural man. He is such an ignoramus on spiritual matters.
3. *They do not have the Holy Spirit*
As stars are telescopically discerned, and germs are microscopically discerned, the Bible is discerned by the Holy Spirit. So anyone without Jesus, even when he reads bible, he is only reading letter (which kills) because he lacks the Spirit who gives life. 2 Cor. 3:6. It would be like a blind person judging an art contest.
Many sincere and educated people admire the Bible as literature and extoll its moral teachings-but they miss the real spiritual message of the Bible; that salvation is only through the person of Jesus Christ.
There's nothing enviable in being a natural man, in fact, it is a pitiable state. If you fall within the descriptions of the natural man mentioned above, it's time to change estate. Receive the Grace of God that brings salvation to mankind today. Titus 2:11.
And if you know of any natural man within your scope of influence, receive the challenge and grace to witness Jesus to such.
1. Father, I receive strength to embrace your Grace that brings salvation to mankind.
2. Lord, include me as part of the end time soldiers that will recruit souls into your kingdom
Bible reading: Rom. 8: 1-39
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977
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