Text : 1 John 4:7

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

Valentine has become one of the yearly celebration that can hardly be ignored. Gift item shops would be witnessing a sudden rise in sales of gift items during this time. The atmosphere will be filled with all "manner of love", Yes! All kinds of love will be expressed during this time.

The question is, do people really understand what Love is? If you really want to celebrate your loved ones at this time in a very meaningful way, it will be important you rediscover the definition of Love from 1John 4:7-8.

 *1. Love is of God* 

Wether you like it or not, from whatever angle you may be seeing it- love is not of the devil. It is simply of GOD. Anything short of God is not love. No matter how good and lovely anyone may project LOVE towards you, if God is not contained at the center therein, that is not Love.

Love which pertains to God alway gives unconditionally. For God so loved the world that He GAVE his only begotten son...... John 3:16. 

God's Love is full and complete. It is 100%. And because it is 100%, it is a compelling and magnetising LOVE.(1John 4:10, 19). It compels you to respond. Anyone who cannot see or receive God's love is actually blind and in darkness.

 *2. Everyone that loves is born of God* 

Love is the prime evidence that you are born of God. Anyone that claims he/she is from God must LOVE. 

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.(John 13:35 )

 *3. Everyone that LOVEs knows God* 

To find out how much of God a person knows, is to know the depth of the person's love.

 *He that loveth not knoweth not God.... (1John 4:8a)* 

 *Love is God* 

 *......for God is love.(1 John 4:8)* 

God is Love , Love is God

So anything that cannot accommodate God is not LOVE. Anything that is not pure cannot and should not be described as love.

From the above, you can tell if you truly love whoever your Val is. 

*Is the Love of God?

*Is the Love Pure?

*Is the Love 100% unconditional?

*Is the Love void of evil and sin?

*Is the Love acceptable before God?

 *_Anything short of YES! simply shows wether the Love you are projecting is genuine or inferior_* 

Bible Reading: 1John 4:7-12


1. Ask the Lord to reveal His Love to you, that you may experience Him and His love in a personal way.

CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977

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