Text: Acts 16:25-26
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them_ .
Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's chains came loose._*
While Paul and Silas went about preaching the gospel, casting out devils and healing the sick. They happen to deliver a girl of evil spirits.
This did not go down well with the people who were making merchandise of her life. They plot how the Apostles will be imprisoned, after they had unjustly beaten them. Acts 16:16-23.
Eventually, they were imprisoned. Imprisoned for doing good to humanity. Imprisoned for obeying the commandment of God.
The most natural reactions to this injustice is bitterness, complaint and anger.
At best, if they have to pray, their prayer focus should be that God should deliver them and deal with their oppressors.
But against all odds, THEY CHOOSE TO PRAISE GOD! This reaction is an anormally. They were expected to be crying to God at how unfair life has been to them. In fact, their actions after God had supernaturally broken their chains shows that they were not praying to God to free them, but to free their oppressors from the bondage of Satan. Acts 16:27-30.
It will be height of ingratitude for anyone not to say thank you to God and probably to man when something good has been done for you. That is, it Is normal for you to share testimony and praise God when the going is good.
However, it takes Grace and deeper love for God to be happy and full of Praises when the sheaves are down.
Praising God in difficult situations is a Choice.
When you develop an attitude of praise, you should watch out for unpleasant moments because that is when your strength is revealed.
Among other things, Praises will do the following :
1. *Praises will bring God into the situation.* Psalms 22:3 says He (God) inhabits the praises of His people. You can't go wrong with Praises. God stepped into the Apostles' situation because they were praising Him.
2. *Praises show total reliance and trust in God.* We resolve to complaints and other alternatives because we have concluded in our hearts that the situation is beyond God. Praising God, especially for what you haven't seen, depicts trust in God.
3. *Praises confuse the devil.* The main reason the enemy is pushing obstacles your way is to get you to be sad, bitter and confused. But when you choose to look beyond the situation and start to give praises to God, You are throwing confusion back into the enemy's camp.
When situations demand that you be sad, negative and depressed, CHOOSE TO PRAISE GOD.*
1. Thank God for all His benefits over you and yours.
2. Receive the Grace to praise Him even in unpleasant situations.
Bible reading : Acts 16:11-40
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977
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