Text: 2Peter 3:8-9
Dear friends, don't let this one thing escape you,: With the Lord, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day._
_The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance .(HCSB)_
The life of a man is generally summarized in a dash(-). Obituary posters always remind us of the shortness of time we have here on earth. The whole life span of a man is simply represented by hyphen between two dates: Mr. A, 1979-2071.
In essence, all the achievements, failures, successes, stories of the deceased are captioned and captured in a dash.
When a man lived to 120years, we celebrate him that he lived a very long life, a good old age. Even at that, he has only lived for too short a time. In the face of eternity, such long years before men is just a dash/dot.
The irony of it all is that, it is this "dash" or "dot" that will determine where everyone will spend his or her eternity.
The highest a man has ever lived on this earth is *969years.* (Gen 5:27).
Man's day was cut short because of sin. (Gen 6:3). God, however has designed that all those who daily prepare to meet their Lord should witness one day during Millennium reign with Christ on earth.
In God's calculations, a thousand years is like a day, so even if you lived for 969 years like Methusaleh, you are yet to live for a day.
Chances are that in the next 100years, none of us that are here now, (plus the little baby that just came today) will still be here.
Despite the fact that man knows that he does not have up to a day(1,000 years) in this present time, he is still schemed by the devil to think that he's got time.
Our enemy-the Devil knows that the *TIME IS SHORT* , but he makes you think you have all the time under the sun.
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
John 9:4
Jesus' delay in coming simply implies two THINGS:
*1. Repentance for sinners.*
*2. Work of Harvest for the saints.*
To bring in many more that are yet to hear and receive Him.
Don't fall into the trap of those who say, things have always remained the way it has always been. The dash life has been given to you in order to invest into your eternity. Use it wisely.
The fact that you are reading this, is another opportunity that God is giving you to amend your ways and invest wisely.
The truth is, this salient truth is escaping many people, but my plea to you is " Dear friends, **DON'T LET THIS ONE THING ESCAPE YOU* :
Bible reading 2 Peter 3:1-18.
1. Father, give me grace to always be ready for your COMING.
2. Father, help me to wisely invest my time for eternal gains and glory.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977
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