Text : Luke 17:18.

Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?”ESV

When you are grateful to God for what He has done, He will do more. When Jesus healed the ten lepers who begged Him for healing, He was actually expecting them to show gratitude. He asked "Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger." Luke 17:17-18.

When you are grateful to God and even to man, you are only opening more doors of favour to yourself. The only person that received wholeness in his body of the ten lepers was the only one who returned to give Glory to God. Luke 17:19.

Now, if you asked the other nine lepers why they didn't return to appreciate Jesus. They will tell you that they were actually on their way to show themselves to the priests as instructed by Jesus.

And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.Luk 17:14.

Any legalistic fellow would say they were simply following orders. But this only shows the reason why people are full of ingratitude:

1. Legalistic attitude : No one owes you anything. Whatever you receive from parents, husband, wife, boss, colleagues, pastors etc, is a privilege, it's never your right. You must learn to show appreciation, even to your employees or servants. 

John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.'John 3:27.

 *In this new year, let it be your resolve to drop all form of legalistic attitude you have bagged over the years.* 

Gratitude is the combination of *Greatness* and right *Attitude* . Anyone with a right attitude is on his way to greatness. *


1. ASK God to forgive you of every act of ingratitude shown in the past, both towards Him and towards man. 

2. Pray for Grace to be grateful for all that you are receiving both physically and spiritually. 

Bible reading: Psalms 136;1-26

CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977

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