*TEXT* : 1 peter 2:2
Like new born babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word that will help you grow and be saved. (CEV)_
Pure milk is the basic elemental teachings of Christian Faith.
Anyone who has not mastered milk of the word, cannot move to meat nor strong meat of the word. however, the first step towards milk is desire. You must desire the sincere milk of the word. You must develop an appetite for this sincere milk.
Your foundation, to a very large extent determines your growth and development in your journey towards becoming like Christ.
Apostle Paul in Hebrews chapter six, highlighted for us six elementary doctrine which makes up the "milk of the word ."
1. Repentance from acts that leads to death.
2. Faith in God.
3. Instructions about baptism.
4. Laying on of hands.
5. Resurrection from the dead.
6. Eternal judgement.
Today, we shall be focusing on the first point only.
The first thing a true believer in Christ should strive to do, is turning away from dead works.
These dead works are enumerated in different parts of the scriptures :
Galatians 5:19-21.
Now the works of the flesh are obvious which are these:
*_Sexual immorality_*
*_Moral impurity_*
*Outbursts of anger*
*Selfish ambitions*
*And anything similar**
Such similar things are what we have in Colosians 3:8-9
*Filthy language*
All these vices and more as the Holy Spirit will be pointing your attention to are the dead works to be repented from, to turn away from and start living unto righteousness.
*This is one of the things that pure milk of the word will draw your attention to, when you truly desire it.*
Bible Reading: 1 Peter. 2:1-25.
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