Text: 2King 12:15
No accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors, because they were *honest* and *trustworthy men*_(NLT)
king Jehoash of Israel called for Jehoiada the Priest, and the other Priests to repair the temple. As a result, money was committed into the hands of *Honest and Trustworthy men* for this project. The most intriguing thing was that no accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors.
There was no need for accountability simply because of the honesty and TRUSTWORTHINESS of these supervisors. The word of God deliberately recorded this for our learning. Today, I often hear Christians saying they are more comfortable doing business with unbelievers than fellow brethren in the church. This simply shows that something is wrong with us (Believers).
Today, we must seek and search for this lost virtue(Honesty and Trustworthiness) amongst believer.
Unlike Academic parlance where 90% is a great score. 90% in honesty is a very poor score. Reason being that the outstanding 10% is the little leaven that leaventh the whole lump.Galatian 5:9. 10% dishonesty would destroy the whole lot of 90% faithfulness.
To be trustworthy and honest, we must:
*1. Do ALL things as unto the Lord* And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;Colossians 3:23
*2. Know that God KNOWS and SEES ALL secretes* Rom 2:16, Hebrew 4:13
*3. Know that God rewards our Honesty and Trustworthiness* Rev. 22:12
Bible reading: 2King 12:1-15.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +2335583559
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