Text: Proverbs 22:1
A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
It is quite intriguing how and why some parents just christen an innocent child any name that comes to mind. It was announced recently that a parent in Asia named their twin "Corona and Covid" This is one of the reasons why children sometimes grow up and start misbehaving. It is simply the name!
Name is very important and crucial in one's life. It gives us unique identity, description and sometimes direction. One of the very first assignments Adam undertook in the garden of Eden was to give names to all the animals (Genesis 2:18-19). He thereafter named his wife "And Adam called his wife's name Eve; *because she was the mother of all living.* (Genesis 3:20).
Our text is talking about the name everyone gives to himself or herself. Whenever people calls your name, there is another name that comes to their mind which paints who you really are. That is what we call *IMAGE* ! When you hear the name: *Judas Iscariot,* what readily comes to mind is *BETRAYAL*. That was the image he bore ans that is his name till today. He chose this name for himself by his attitude and character. Your real name is the one you give yourself by your *ATTITUDE* and *CHARACTER* .
When you mention some people's name all manner of horrible images shows up: fraudster, liar unreliable, unfaithful, unstable e.t.c
You have a duty to re-christen yourself.
You must pay attention to the kind of name you are building for yourself TODAY.
"A GOOD NAME is rather to be chosen......" This means that you are the one to choose a name for yourself.
What name would you like to choose for yourself TODAY. A Good name or a bad name?
Bible Reading: Genesis 32:24-32
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