Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Today, we shall be looking at the steps every child of God needs to take towards genuine repentance. We established yesterday that repentance is not a sign of weakness but an indication that you belong to God. You simply repented because you are God's. It is only God's people or those intending to become part of His people that repent. Repentance will always open the window of heaven unto you if you:
1. Humble yourself: Humility is submission to God. (1Peter 5:6). It is accepting God's judgement and assessment about yourself. It is about seeing yourself as God sees you.
2. Pray and Seek God's face: This is the meeting point with God. It is the point at which you come before the Lord to tell him sorry for what you did wrong. It is the point at which you pour out your mind before the Lord. The intent of prayer during repentance is to seek God's face.
3. Turn from their wicked ways: Any reasoning or lifestyle that is contrary to God or that is void of God is wickedness. Genuine repentance always call for change of reasoning, attitude or lifestyle. "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts." (Psalms 10:4).
God promised the Israelites ahead of time that He would hear their cry when they cry out unto Him in repentance. If you will also turn to God today, He will hear your cry and open window of heaven upon your life.
Just come boldly to the throne of Grace and you will obtain grace and find mercy to help you in time of need. Hebrew 4:16.
Bible reading: Jonah 3:4-10.
CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION, +233241109074, +233558355977
Praise God