Text: 2Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
Preaching the gospel is not an advice given to us, rather it is a command and a commission. Jesus commanded the Disciples to go forth and preach the gospel(Mathew 28:19).
The result of their obedience today is YOU hearing and knowing about Jesus. If they had not obeyed, you and I wouldn't have had anything to do with our loving saviour and Lord- Jesus Christ. God is not just interested in few gatherings in Heaven like some people, He wants to save multitude of sinners in our world today.
Paul commanded Timothy to preach in season and out of season because *the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions* 2 Tim 4:3, Though, it is appearing this TIME Paul talked about is now, but we still have little time to go out there and rescue souls from the grip of hell.
Start today by praying for the sinners. At least you have one person who is yet to give his or her life to Christ in your family. Pray for that One today because tommorrow might not be on your side. Preaching the gospel is time bound. It can be too late but can't be too early.
Rise and Preach Today. You are not too young and not too old to obey this command because He is with you always.
Bible Reading: luke 10:1-20
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