Texts:Proverbs 24:10
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
As long as we are living on the face of the earth, we are subjected to different times and seasons of challenges. No one is exempted from these challenges. When you are confronted with any challenge ( or if you are in one now), I encourage you not to faint. Hold unto the Lord and don't give up.
The day of adversity simply means that a day will show up for you that will be quite challenging. When that day comes, you must know that it is also part of the days the Lord has made. Some only love good days of celebrations, promotions, fun and enjoyment. They don't like a day of adversity. Nobody really does anyway. But we surely do have challenging times at some point in life.
One thing that the day of adversity does is to reveal your strength.
It is the day of adversity that measure the size of your strength: small or big. If you fail in that day, your strength is small, but if you stand in the time of challenges, your strength is Big.
Though you may not like challenging time, but it will surely come. It is such a day that offers you the platform for promotion or otherwise.
Day of adversity is like Examination day for a student. There won't be promotion without Examination.
Examination is not given to a student to destroy him but to prove him.
In the same vein, day of adversity is not to cast you down but to prove the stuff you are made of. To know how good a football is, you bounce it hard on the ground. To prove a gold, you pass it through fire. To prove the strentgth of an eagle, you throw it down from a very high plateau. To prove you are a good swimmer, we throw you into an ocean.
Your challenge is equivalent to your strength and vice versa.
The challenge you are facing now has only come to prove your strength and not to destroy you.
Continually prepare yourself in the word of God and Prayers so that you will not faint in your day of adversity.
Bible Reading: 1Samuel 30
*CIA CAMPUS MOVEMENT PUBLICATION* , +233241109074, +2335583559
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